City seeks taxes on Manor Road home by power of sale

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Dennis Cibulka, owner of the semi-detached home at 313 Manor Road, seems to be coming to the end of the line in his attempt to stay in the home which has been the focus of fire, health and general nuisance concerns by the City and neighbors. Mr. Cibulka keeps things and over the years it has been necessary for municipal officials to clean out the home to make it habitable for Mr.Cibulka and safe for neighbors. One such event occurred in November 2013. Now the home is listed in a power of sale advertisement as having unpaid taxes of $71,854.24. If this amount remains unpaid, Mr. Cibulka will certainly lose the home, which was his mother’s previously, and which he has seemed determined to remain in. The back taxes issue runs against neighborhood assumptions that Mr. Cibulka is quite able to pay such costs, but these beliefs are far from confirmed.  Previous stories 

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