Civilized parking and a death knell for “gotcha” tickets

Toronto is years behind other cities but it is finally about to get on-street digital parking that permits drivers to top-up parking fees remotely by the end of the year. Mayor Tory made the announcement today. It requires use of the City’s free Green-P parking app and the pre-payment of funds. With an account containing $20, for example, a motorist will be able to tell the app the vehicle’s plate number, the number of the meter where it’s parked and how much time is needed. And that’s it. A digital death knell for gotcha tickets. That’s because the system reminds drivers wherever they are that time is running out and permits them to top-up the parking without penalty from wherever they are. It is a boon to anyone delayed at the dentist or for old friends lingering over coffee. It is a whole new world of parking and its likely popularity is foretold by the use of the app at Green-P lots, where it began last year. As much as 25 percent of parking lot revenue is paid by phone. The financial trade-offs for the City are tricky to calculate for a layperson but the advance payment of funds is a plus for the municipality which may see ticketing reduced. Many yellow parking tags occur when drivers are unable to make it back to the meter in time. Pay-by-phone: Civil parking and an end to gotcha tickets