Toyota thefts recall 2009 heist of 6 Highlanders in Leaside


HIgh-tech Toyota gang at work

It was November 2009 when six Toyota Highlander families woke and found their family cars gone. At the time, and ever since for that matter, it was as if they vanished into thin air.  Michael Dougherty of Rumsey Road was robbed of his car and like all the other victims has never heard a thing about these obviously well-oiled thefts. And it appears the same gang, or one just as good, is at it again. Since January 2015, 33 Division (just north of South Bayview) has experienced the theft of 13 vehicles apparently taken with the same high-tech savvy that marked the 2009 heists.  It is believed that the suspect(s) may have access to electronic devices that can bypass the vehicle security system.  Investigators are suggesting the following safety tips to protect your vehicle from theft: Lock your vehicle with the windows rolled up;  secure your spare key in a safe location and never leave it in the vehicle; park your vehicle with wheels turned towards the curb; apply your emergency brakes when parking your vehicle; park your vehicle in your garage, if possible, and lock the vehicle doors while in the garage  never leave the vehicle registration in the vehicle;  use a steering-wheel lock; test both sets of keys after leaving your vehicle with a valet, car wash, or repair shop.  People are reminded to call police and report any suspicious activity or suspicious person(s) near their vehicles.