Rosa Agostino sells Rosedale landmark Caffe Doria

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Rosa Agostino (left) with staff of Caffe Doria on her last day of business

Here is a picture that marks the end of an era for people in Rosedale, Summerhill and other locales along the Rosdale Main Street BIA. On the left we see Rosa Agostino, owner for these 15 years of the Caffe Doria coffee stop with her staff. It was taken on Thursday, her last day of business. Caffe Doria was a happy place for coffee, tea and savoury food on the northwest corner of Yonge St. and Roxborough St W. Rosa Agostino has sold the business and the name to a new owner and for that many are sorry but wish her well in new pursuits. The cafe closed last night and has an indeterminate date for re-opening although it seems likely, but not certain, that the name will remain the same. As Peter Rehak, publisher of the Yonge and Roxborough News  has said, Doria regulars are anxious but hopeful that the popular café will continue to thrive. It had many group gatherings and meetings and was the unofficial office of Yonge and Roxborough News, also known to some as Roxy Blogger.