Earth Hour observed across Canada and in South Bayview

Once again well-intentioned people in mostly first world countries have observed Earth Hour. It may be a bit churlish to wonder how many homes with the lights off in Leaside also had the television sets and computers running. The point is that neither Earth Hour nor so many of the things that are done in the name of conservation will not save us from a lack of electricity or even global warming. Our great challenge is to make more power rather than try to live with less. There are many ideas about power generation and some of them seem frankly foolish. Wind turbines fall into that category. Solar power on the other hand has real potential. It would be nice if the Ontario government stopped spending money on windmills and focused more on solar, and on the proven technology Energy from Waste.  This last technology has shown that it can dispose of garbage safely and produce power at the same time. As a social event and commercial promotion, Earth Hour was no doubt a success in Leaside. Against the Grain Tavern invited people to come and drink by candle light. Well why not.  “Joanna” tweeted a picture of what looks like the darkened halls of Leaside High /school and pondered how Earth Hour made her neighborhood look like a Horror Movie. Hey, come on Joanna. CP24’s Stephanie Smyth was at Leaside arena for hockey regretting that lights are necessary to play the greatest game.