Soknacki out! Can Olivia Chow be far behind?

Must ponder her duty

It was a tip-off in full-colour when David Soknacki begged off a mayoral debate “to celebrate his 60th birthday”. Sure. Tonight the affable thinker and distinct also-ran candidate for mayor said he will in fact drop out of the race. And as she sinks to third in the Tory, Ford, Chow field, the aubergine and yellow candidate of women and the poor must also be thinking about calling it a day. The sincerity of her  professed love of the city will be tested in the days to come as she hears the political truth. Yes, she is in third spot without a lot of traction. And critically, she risks helping Rob Ford defeat John Tory. It is a sobering burden for this adopted daughter of Canada’s largest city and she will have to ponder her duty well.