Mt Pleasant right of way cost $98,921 in 1915

There is a brief and entertaining thumbnail history of Mount Pleasant Rd. linked here.  A most amusing tidbit tells of the acquisition of the land needed for the City to cross Mt. Pleasant Cemetery which had opened in 1876. The story goes that in 1912 the cemetery operators were approached for a right-of-way. The City didn’t like the offer and refused it. As a result, the City passed by-law 7311 in 1915 permitting expropriation of the property for a stunningly high price at the time. The agreed amount was  $98,921.88.  The construction of the road began next spring. All the streets located on the north and south ends of the cemetery were absorbed into the new north-west thoroughfare of Mt. Pleasant. It did not go south of St. Clair of course or north of Blythwood Rd. The muddy road was opened for traffic in 1919.