Riders love curbside buses but can they survive?

Here in Toronto transit planning is about whining for billions of dollars of tax money to build subways, or whatever. In New York the order of the day seems to be to legislate private start-up bus companies into the garage. These so-called curbside buses have proven hugely successful and they actually make money.  The most famous of the curbside lines is Fung Wah Bus. It started about ten years ago by looping around Manhattan neighborhoods picking up passengers at stops on the sidewalk. Fung Wah’s $10 route to Boston was always full. Now the debate rages between politicians who want regulation and free market advocates who say the government is going to destroy businesses that are providing a real service and creating jobs. The video is from Reason magazine. It is very entertaining and it clearly flatters Fung Wah Bus. An alternate view of public transit.