Painting curbs red — and other urgent news

There may or may not be a video of Mayor Ford smoking crack but there is absolutely a video of the City’s Chief Magistrate painting a downtown curb red — or maybe pinkish red.  Tuesday Mr. Ford launched a program to make it easier for drivers to see where they are not supposed to park. In a fit of enthusiasm for this idea, the mayor was down on his knees near University Ave. and Queen Street West as pictured. Whoa Nellie.  And speaking of red, the new Toronto streetcars were “previewed” again today for about the 5th time.  The media went right along with the gag, reporting all the snappy features that have been rolled out on several occasions already. Hey, you can’t over-do a good thing, right?  Transit is important, right?  Finally, on this whip-around of Toronto, 102-year-old Olive Dodds continues to act as a volunteer at the Toronto East General Hospital after nearly three decades. Mrs. Dodds has been part of the hospital’s sewing and knitting club every week since 1984. Love you  Mrs Dodds. Story.