Momofuko Toronto and why you can’t escape

Momofuko Ando
The Momofuki food madness that has infected many Toronto trendoids is back today with the opening of the restaurant chain’s so-called Milk Bar in that glass-cube room overlooking lower University Avenue. The current popularity of the name traces back to a legendary businessman and promoter Momofuki Ando (1910-2007). Ando was the Taiwanese-Japanese inventor of instant noodles.  He thus became a millionaire many times over and now, it seems, a kind of cult icon. As breathlessly reported in the Toronto Star by Michelle Henry, the Momofuku Milk Bar will serve the restaurant’s crack pie “famous — or infamous — buttery, oat-encrusted confection cheekily named for its purported addictiveness”  How wonderful. Presumably this is better than those hash brownies that Shirley Brown used to bring to school.  Go get ’em gang. Michelle Henry