Execution bid at Yorkdale shows need for CCTV

The amateur attempt at a mafia-like execution at Yorkdale Mall early this morning should make every citizen ask: Where were the CCTV cameras? And not just that. Where is the mandatory public and private program to require such surveillance in our trendy public places. It may not be true in this case,  but chic commercial places attract no-goods who like to pretend they belong to the gentry. In this case, it is said that a Honda CRV sped into the mall and stopped in front of the JOEY restaurant just after midnight. A guy got out and started firing through the window at a patron inside. One man was hit several times but is said to be in improving condition in Sunnybrook Hospital  This is the second shooting at Yorkdale in two months.  If Yorkdale cares about its customers — if the City cares about its citizens — this matter will go to the top of the agenda.  Business and government should act now and stop worrying about what some people will think. Such cameras are legal and fully within the rules of our open society.